Call for papers

Conference Topics


  1. Smart Manufacturing
  2. Smart Science in Artificial Intelligence 
  3. Smart Applied Chemistry and Materials 
  4. Smart Energy and Thermal/Fluidic Science 
  5. Smart Biotechnology and Materials 
  6. Smart Surface Science and Nanotechnology 
  7. Smart Computing, Modeling and Analysis Method 
  8. Smart Sensing and Automation System
  9. Smart Science in Electrical Engineering/Communications 
  10. Smart Science in Information and Networks
  11. Smart System/ Design
  12. Smart Management Science
  13. Smart Science and Education
  14. Others


Technical papers on the aspects related to (but not limited to) those in the topics of interest are invited for oral presentation. 
The program committee encourages the submission of invited sessions with at least six manuscripts on a well-defined subject of current interest. If you are interested in it, please email us the title of the session, the name and full contact details of the session organizer, and a list of the proposed session contributions, including titles, authors, and corresponding author of each paper. All papers in invited sessions will be subject to review and assessment by the program committee.

Application form for the invited sessionimage host

Invited Session 1. Smart Healthcare and Rehabilitation Systems ( Prof. Yen-Lin Chen, National Taipei University of Technology)

Invited Session 2. Smart 3D Devices (Prof. HsinHui Hu, National Taipei University of Technology)